Congratulations on the new addition to your family!

kitten-careAt Shiloh Veterinary Hospital, we want to make sure that your new companion receives everything he or she needs to grow up healthy and strong, so please bring your new pet in as soon as possible for a check-up. The first couple of months are very important to your kitten’s development and we will be more than happy to give you the support and necessary tools you will need to help them transition into a healthy adult cat!

Getting Started with your Kitten’s First Wellness Exam

During your initial visit, we will perform a comprehensive examination to detect if your kitten has any potential health issues. We can help provide aids on nutrition, litterbox training, and behavioral concerns. We will also examine your pet for intestinal parasites and perform deworming if necessary. In addition, we will make sure that your new kitten is protected against rabies, panleukopena (Distemper), feline leukemia virus (FelV) and feline immundodeficieny virus (FIV). We also ask that you bring the health information provided to you by the seller or shelter on your first visit with us, which should include a previous history of vaccines and deworming.

While your kitten is quickly growing, their developing immune systems leaves them more vulnerable to illness, so please talk to our veterinarians about the ideal preventative treatment schedule that meets their needs. After the first few months, we recommend that you bring your cat in at least twice a year to ensure that he or she is maintaining a course of good health. Many kittens have roundworms, which are intestinal worms that can cause weight loss, a potbellied appearance, and in some cases coughing. Roundworms are zoonotic parasite, which means that it can be transmitted from pets to people.

If you have any questions concerning care for your cat such as diet and nutrition, behavioral issues, litter training, or vaccinations, we are more than happy to discuss them with you. Please call to schedule your kitten’s appointment today! (770) 426-6900.

*Please note that if you need an estimate regarding any prices, we can give you one prior to your exam upon request*